Fall School COVID-19 Guidelines

Cherokee Youth Center COVID-19 Fall School Guidelines and Procedures


Anyone showing signs of illness of any kind or who may have been exposed to COVID-19 should not be in the Youth Center facility.

Symptoms of COVID-19

•   fever

•   cough

•   shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Additional symptoms include chills, new loss of taste or smell, and vomiting/diarrhea (children only). While symptoms in children are similar to adults, children may have milder symptoms.

*Fever is determined by a thermometer reading 100.4 or higher or by subjective signs such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, headache, not eating or drinking.

- The Cherokee Youth Center reserves the right to send children home until a member of their household is tested and the results come back negative for COVID – 19, if they display any or all of the above-mentioned symptoms!!!


Fall School Policy:

- We will continue at 75% capacity for social distancing purposes, until we can safely not have to be 3 feet apart from each other.


- Priority for those invited to return will go to members whose parents or guardians both works, or in a single parent household and that parent works. We will go by the information provided by the parents on the members 2020 Application to determine this.


- Facemasks Must Be Worn at All Times When Children Are Indoors! The only exceptions are when the kids are outside and can maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from one another or actively eating and/or drinking.


- Members who are doing Remote Learning will need to bring their own computer to the Youth Center. They will be allowed to be on their computers during their remote learning time, when not doing schoolwork, their computer is to be secured in their assigned bin, until they are picked up from the Center.


- The Youth Center will be open to accept children at 7:30am each morning, Monday thru Thursday, and will be closing at 5:00pm. Please have your child(ren) at the center no later than 8:30am and picked up by 4:45pm. If you must drop them off later than 8:30am please call and inform the front desk when we should expect them (828) 359-8113.

- Members who are doing Plan A at their school, will be allowed to be dropped off at the Youth Center for after school. We will still be doing temperature checks as they get off the bus. (Please review the Drop-off/arrival procedure.)


- While we will schedule time for remote learning, and our Youth Development Professionals will be with the kids to assist when they can, our staff are not trained educators or teachers. The final responsibility for completing school assignments fall onto the kid and the parents and guardians. 


Drop-off/arrival procedure:

- Before arrival: We ask parents and guardians to be on the alert for any symptoms of COVID-19 and to keep the child(ren) home if showing any signs of illness.

Symptoms of COVID-19

• fever

• cough

• shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Additional symptoms include chills, new loss of taste or smell, and vomiting/diarrhea (children only). While symptoms in children are similar to adults, children may have milder symptoms.

*Fever is determined by a thermometer reading 100.4 or higher or by subjective signs such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, headache, not eating or drinking.

·        The Cherokee Youth Center reserves the right to send children home until a member of their household is tested and the results come back negative for COVID – 19, if they display any or all of the above-mentioned symptoms!!!


- If anyone in the household tests positive for COVID – 19 and/or are put into quarantine by Health professionals, your child(ren) may not attend the Youth Center until that person is cleared to return to work by Health professionals and provide the Youth Center Management with documentation stating as such.


- Please do not send any blankets, bags, toys, or devices of any type from home with your child(ren). This is to reduce the risk of children congregating too close to each other and passing things around before it can be sanitized.


- When you drop off your child(ren) please pull into the parking area for the new temporary facility, located across the street from the old Cherokee Youth Center (CYC) where the old Cherokee High School was located. 


- If possible, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day. Avoid designating those considered at high risk such as elderly grandparents who are over 65 years of age.


- We will also be monitoring and discouraging any type of congregation at the arrival and drop-off area, if you need to speak with someone, we encourage you to call them, office numbers will be provided at the end of this document.


- Staff and children Will clean their hands with provided hand sanitizer before they enter. If the hand sanitizer is not available everyone will be asked to wash their hands in the restroom with soap and water, as soon as, they enter the facility.



Lunch drop-off and Visitations:

- We will try to partner with our surrounding schools to provide lunch for the kids this summer. However, if this does not work out, or if your child prefers to bring their own lunch that will be fine, however, during the school year if you bring their lunch to them, it must be here no later than 12:15pm, if it is not, you will be fined $10. Please refer to the Parent Handbook)


- If you would rather drop off lunch for your child(ren) you may, we will have a table sitting inside the entrance of the building, we ask that you write your child’s name on the bag and leave it on the table, a staff member will collect it shortly and make sure that it gets to your child.


- If you need to pick up or speak with your child(ren) after you have dropped them off, and before the normal pick-up times. Please call ahead, so that we can have your child ready, and they will be walked outside to meet you. And when they re-enter the building, they must wash their hands immediately.


Pick-Ups / Departure Procedures:

- When you arrive to pick-up your child(ren) please pull into the parking area for the new temporary facility, located across the street from the old Cherokee Youth Center (CYC) where the old Cherokee High School was located. 

- There will be a table in the lobby for parents to sign their child/children in and out.


- If possible, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day. Avoid designating those considered at high risk such as elderly grandparents who are over 65 years of age.


- We will also be monitoring and discouraging any type of congregation at the arrival and drop-off area, if you need to speak with someone, we encourage you to call them, office numbers will be provided at the end of this document.


- We suggest that staff and children clean their hands with hand sanitizer once they leave the facility. If hand sanitizer is not available, we suggest everyone wash their hands in with soap and water, as soon as, they can.


Prevent virus that causes COVID-19 from entering the Youth Center:

- Only allow children and staff who are required for daily operations and ratio are to be inside the CYC facilities.


- Youth Development Professionals (YDPs) will be restricted to one room with one group of children. To reduce the number of people coming in and out of rooms, we will also limit the use of “floater” YDP’s to one per room to provide coverage for staff at mealtime and breaks.


- Daily health screening will be conducted on all individuals who are entering the building. This screening will exclude individuals who are in any one of these four categories:


*  Person is showing any of the symptoms of COVID-19.


*  Person thinks they could have COVID-19.


*  Person has tested positive for COVID-19.


*  Person is awaiting the results of testing for COVID-19.


- Exclude children and staff who share a home (including siblings) or who have been in close contact with anyone in the four categories above.


People who may be at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19:

- People aged 65 years and older.


- People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, including:

*  People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma


*  People who have serious heart conditions


*  People who are immunocompromised


*  Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.


*  People with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher)


*  People with diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, or liver disease.


*  Please note that people who are pregnant have been known to be at higher risk of severe viral illness, however, to date data on COVID-19 has not shown increased risk.



- Staff concerned about being at higher risk should discuss with their supervisor. They may want to speak with their medical provider to assess their risk.


Preventing the spread of the virus in the classroom/program facility:

- We will follow social distancing strategies, suggested by NC Child Care Rules with the special COVID-19 flexibility in requirements:


*  As much as possible, we will have everybody stay 3 feet apart.


*  Post signage and other messaging to remind club members and staff of physical distancing.


*  Waiting areas will have 3 feet spacing markings. Floors will be marked to remind club members and staff to stay 3 feet apart.


*  When possible, classes should include the same children in the group each day and the same group leaders.


*  Keep each group of children in their assigned rooms throughout the day.


*  Limit the mixing of children (e.g., staggering playground times, keeping groups separate for activities such as art and computers).


*  We will not be having any all-member assemblies or field trips, at this time.


*  When eating meals, groups will remain in their rooms.

 *  Sports or activities in which participants cannot maintain social distancing of more than 3 feet apart, will not be allowed.



- Follow proper hand hygiene guidance for adults and children such as washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice). In addition to usual handwashing, make sure to wash hands:


*  upon arrival in the morning


*  before and after eating meals and snacks


*  after blowing noses, coughing, or sneezing or when in contact with body fluids


*  after using the restroom.



- Follow cloth face coverings guidelines: No mesh or sheer masks.


*  staff members are required to always wear cloth face coverings when in the Youth Center facility and when unable to maintain at least three feet distance outdoors.


*  Club members are required to wear cloth face coverings or plastic face shield that completely cover the nose and mouth and meet CYC, CDC, and PHHS standards.

*  The CYC has the right to turn kids away if they do not wear the proper mask.


*  The CYC will provide information on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings to staff and Club members.


*  Follow CDC Guidance for wearing cloth face coverings.


*  If you have any questions about a mask or face shield, contact Matthew Hollifield, Stephanie French, or Melissa Ledford


- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.


- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or an elbow.


- Hand sanitizing products with 60 percent alcohol may be used in lieu of handwashing when outdoors if hands are washed upon returning indoors. Hand sanitizer must be stored out of reach of children when not in use.


Sanitation and hygiene practices:

- We will be following NCDHHS Environmental Health Section guidance for cleaning and disinfection recommendations.


- Use an EPA-registered disinfectant that is active against coronaviruses and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use and contact time.  We will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces throughout the day and at night. Remember items that might not ordinarily be cleaned daily such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures.


- Toys and other items that cannot be cleaned and sanitized/disinfected should not be used. (Children’s books are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection)


- Clean and disinfect shared tools, supplies, and equipment.


- Allow time for cleaning between activities.


- Minimize use of shared supplies and label individual supplies and items.


- Routinely check and refill/replace hand sanitizer at entries, soap, and paper towels in bathrooms.


- Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol at every entrance, exit, in art room, game room, and each classroom if supplies are available.


- Incorporate bathroom breaks and handwashing breaks.



Children or staff who develop symptoms during the day:

-If a child or staff member develops any symptoms of COVID-19, immediately isolate them, and contact parents and send them and any family members home as soon as possible.


- While waiting for a sick child to be picked up, staff should stay with the child in a room isolated from others. If the child has symptoms of COVID-19, staff should remain as far away as safely possible from the child (preferably, 3 feet) while maintaining visual supervision. Staff should wear a cloth face covering. If tolerated, the child should wear a cloth face covering also.

Advise those who have been excluded:

For people who think they might have COVID-19 or have mild symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends they stay home and call their doctor for medical advice and if it is recommended, they get tested.

Anyone with more serious symptoms should seek medical attention immediately, by calling their doctor or 911 right away. More serious symptoms can include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, or inability to arouse, bluish lips or face.

People who are sick with COVID-19 or believe they might have COVID-19 should stay home and separate themselves from other people in the home as much as possible. They should be excluded from the camp until they can answer YES to all the following questions:

✓ Has it been at least 10 days since you first had symptoms?

✓ Have you been without fever for three days (72 hours) without any medicine for fever?

✓ Have it been three days (72 hours) since your symptoms have improved?

Household members and people who have been in close contact with someone who has had symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home as much as possible for 14 days, monitor themselves for symptoms, and consult with their local health department. Close contact means within three feet for at least 10 minutes. If they start having symptoms of COVID-19, they should take the same steps as above to prevent spreading it.

Ask staff members:

- Are you concerned about being at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19?

Staff who are over 65 years of age, have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Staff who are pregnant are known to be at risk with severe viral illness, however, to date data on COVID-19 has not shown increased risk. Speak to your supervisor if you are concerned. Talk with your medical provider to assess your risk and determine if you should work.

Cherokee Youth Center Staff Contact Information:


Cherokee Youth Center, Front Desk 

(828) 359-8113


Matt Hollifield, Manager

(828) 359-6279



Stephanie French, K-5 Unit Supervisor

(828) 359-6276



Melissa Ledford, Pre-Teen, and Teen Unit Supervisor

(828) 359-6277




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